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Singing Serpent Studios for San Diego Magazine
I wrote a profile on San Diego’s long-running, Super Bowl-spot-making Singing Serpent Studios for San Diego Magazine Read more
Titus Andronicus for FLOOD
I spoke to the always outspoken Patrick Stickles of Titus Andronicus for a feature on FLOOD. Read more
Makaya McCraven feature for
I interviewed jazz artist Makaya McCraven about In These Times and more for Read more
Drug Church profile for Bandcamp
I spoke to Patrick and Nick from Albany/L.A. hardcore outfit Drug Church for Bandcamp Daily, about the contradictions that make their band unique, and the fusion of sounds that craft their strongest…
Essay on Helmet’s ‘Meantime’ for uDiscoverMusic
Ahead of the 30th anniversary of this post-hardcore classic (which got the band a $1 million signing to Interscope), I wrote about Helmet’s Meantime. Read more